What to Do if Your Mind is Racing Before Sleep

Sleep is essential to all human beings from a newborn baby to an old person. It reduces the risk of fatal health conditions such as heart attack, kidney disease, and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, not everyone gets enough sleep due to racing thoughts, medical conditions, and poor sleeping environments. This is why you need to help yourself rest to avoid complications that come along with lack of sleep.

Did you know if you go for days without sleep your body starts hallucinating? Your heart also beats faster and the body starts to react to fatigue and eventually shut down on its own.

What causes a racing mind before sleep

  1. Anxiety

People with anxiety disorders tend to have racing thoughts before they sleep. This is because they have probably been through devastating conditions and the thoughts come to them when they are relaxed.

  1. Stress

If things are not going according to plans or they are not working out how you want them to, getting sleep will be a huge hustle. You think about the things you should have done differently and you feel the urge to think about how to do them better. This derives one sleep and causes racing thoughts.

  1. Drug abuse

Excessive use or the wrong use of drugs can make one’s thoughts hard to control. This leads to increased heart rates and poor sleeping patterns

How to stop a racing mind

  • Take deep breaths

Relax your mind by taking deep breaths often. This will distract you from your thoughts and enhance your sleep. A therapy advises one to concentrate on their breathing rhythms and before you notice it, you will be asleep.

  • Give yourself an assurance

If you feel things should have been done any differently and they are already done, control your thoughts and say you did well, there is a next time. This is a big step to your healing and you will feel better with time.

  • Read a book

Notice how children sleep peacefully when someone reads them a book? You can take care of yourself by reading a soothing book. An alternative to this is listening to white sounds. Monitor the length of the sounds and notice if you sleep before the session is over.

  • Take a shower

A warm shower with relaxing essentials such as mint can act as an aid to your sleep. You will feel relaxed and with the right sleeping environment such as a slightly lighted or darkroom, sleep becomes automatic.

  • Do yoga to unwind

Relax your thoughts through meditations and yoga before bed. They make you feel relaxed and enable you to sleep well.

  • Avoid screens

Thirty minutes before bed, avoid using your phone, tablet, laptop, or television. Screens can keep you awake for longer hours than you think. Instead, text your friends goodnight in advance and read a book.

In conclusion, the above remedies can work for anyone. However, if you are at the edge and are struggling too much, consider visiting a therapist for further assistance.